Georg Brun
January 2nd until February 28th, 2025
Affiliation: University of Bern, Switzerland
Research for a study about:
Explication and Pluralism, with an Application to Logic
The project develops a systematic analysis of ways in which explication problems can have more than one solution and give rise to pluralist positions. The analysis is applied and tested in a case study on logical pluralism.
Explication Based Pluralism
Philosophy of Science Colloquium Talk
Date: Janury 23, 2025
Time: 16h45 - 18h15
Meetings are usually held on Mondays from 16:45 to 18:15 in Room 2G
Carnap emphasized that for a given explicandum, there is no such thing as the correct explicatum, but only one or more adequate explicata. This talk addresses two questions: In what ways can an explication problem have more than one solution? In what sense do multiple solutions to explication problems give rise to pluralism? Based on an analysis of the general structure of explications, I will first develop a systematic overview of the surprisingly many factors that can be responsible for multiple outcomes of an explication project. I will then suggest some conditions under which it is plausible to interpret multiple outcomes as giving rise to explication-based pluralism.