8. Arthur Pap Vorlesung 2025 | 8th Arthur Pap-Lecture | Luca Oliva (University of Houston)

Rethinking Pap's Functional A Priori



Luca Oliva | University of Houston

Zusammen mit Vienna Circle Society/Together with Vienna Circle Society
Date: June 12, 2025
Time: 17:00-19:00
Venue: Aula am Campus der Universität Wien, Hof 1, Eingang 1.11, Spitalgasse 2-4, 1090 Wien



Short bio

Dr. Luca Oliva is an assistant professor and the program director of Liberal Studies at the University of Houston. His research interests lie in epistemology and philosophy of mathematics but also involve ethics and metaethics. He has primarily published on issues of analytic Kantianism, the a priori in logical empiricism (including Wittgenstein), and Rickert's abstract objects and normativity. His articles have appeared in the Kantian Review, the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, and collections published by Cambridge University Press, the North American Kant Society, and De Gruyter.

Dr. Oliva teaches theories of knowledge and truth, as well as ethics. In recent years, he has been a lecturer at the University of Vienna (2019) and the Institute Vienna Circle (2015, 2017), an academic visitor at the University of Oxford (2016, 2017), and a visiting professor at the Universities of Insubria (2024) and Bergamo (2015, 2022) in Italy.

Since 2024, Dr. Oliva has co-organized the Reconstructing Carnap webinar series affiliated with the University of Florence. In 2023, he also initiated the Ethics and Normativity Seminar Series at the University of Houston.

Institut Wiener Kreis | Wiener Kreis Gesellschaft
Aula am Campus der Universität Wien, Hof 2, Eingang 2.8, Spitalgasse 2-4, 1090 Wien