Online APSE-CEU-IVC Talks: Christian Damböck (Institute Vienna Circle, University of Vienna) | Three Types of Democracy


The Philosophy Department of the Central European University, the Institute Vienna Circle and the Unit for Applied Philosophy of Science and Epistemology (of the Department of Philosophy of the University of Vienna) are jointly organizing a series of talks this term

Three Types of Democracy

The Philosophy Department of the Central European University, the Institute Vienna Circle and the Unit for Applied Philosophy of Science and Epistemology (of the Department of Philosophy of the University of Vienna) are jointly organizing a series of talks this term

Date: 10/03/2022

Time: 15h00

Online Plattform: The meeting will be online via Zoom | Talks in Philosophy of Science and Epistemology PSE


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The two currently leading approaches in democracy theory suffer from serious flaws. Deliberativism leads to dogmatism, and radical pluralism fails to offer any consistent strategy to make political decisions rational. While sharing the noncognitive basis of radical pluralism, this paper recommends enriching this conception by means of a logical empiricist understanding of values, science, and democracy. This new conception allows us to overcome deliberativism and adopt a radical pluralist approach while still rejecting political opinions that fail to incorporate any cognitive backup. That it is high time for such an account became obvious during the COVID19 pandemic, when the clash between stubborn deliberativists and anti-rational 'populists' led to a political stalemate.

The meeting will be online via Zoom