Evolving Models for Co-Production of Marine Science Knowledge in South Australia
The Philosophy Department of the Central European University, the Institute Vienna Circle and the Unit for Applied Philosophy of Science and Epistemology (of the Department of Philosophy of the University of Vienna) are jointly organizing a series of talks this term
Date: 20/10/2022
Time: 12h30
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Australia presents a complex example of a locale where there is increasing awareness about the moral and legal requirements associated with benefit sharing and acknowledgment of traditional knowledge, particularly Indigenous knowledge sources. After a brief overview on the history and current status of Indigenous communities in Australia, we present a series of vignettes associated with marine research in South Australia where different types of engagement or collaborations have occurred between academic and governmental researchers and local Indigenous communities. We use these vignettes to problematise typical Western scientific methods of giving credit and including local and traditional knowledges as part of knowledge production methods in scientific research, and explore a broader range of options such as diverse forms of benefit sharing that in turn can support a more robust vision of what is epistemically and morally relevant in these domains.