The Institute Vienna Circle and the Unit for Applied Philosophy of Science and Epistemology APSE (of the Department of Philosophy of the Universtiy of Vienna) are jointly organising a series of talks this term
Date: 11/03/2021
Time: 15h00
Online Plattform: The meeting will be online via Zoom | Talks in Philosophy of Science and Epistemology PSE
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Natural science is supposed to be true about nature. This may seem evident and simple, but, for the neo-Kantian Hermann Cohen in 1885, it is actually a hard problem that only exacerbates the general problem of knowledge. Nature, or the object of knowledge, is meant to exist independently of or, in the very least, be distinguishable from the theories about it. This is not only an assumption that most scientists hold as a matter of fact. It is also a necessary requirement for the validation of theories and claims to truth: Only if there is an independent object can you verify a theory with reference to it; otherwise you can only say that a theory is internally consistent, but neither that it is true or false about the object, nor that is better than any other consistent theory. And you have not even started thinking about sensible and logical aspects of objects and how sensations can help verify scientific theories. In her talk, Charlotte Baumann will explore two solutions to the problem of the (empirical) objects of knowledge that Cohen discusses in his 1885 Kant's Theory of Experience.
Charlotte Baumann, PhD, is a researcher at Technische Universität Berlin, about to start her Humboldt Fellowship at University of Sussex, UK. She has published on Kant, Hegel, neo-kantians, Marx and Adorno in outlets like the European Journal of Philosophy, Journal of the History of Philosophy, British Journal for the HIStory of Philosophy and the Oxford Handbook on Adorno. She has been a researcher at University College London and teaches in the outreach program of Bard College Berlin. (For more information see: www.drcharlottebaumann.com)