

Online: Alexander Reutlinger (LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) | What's Epistemically Wrong with Strategic Science Skepticism?


18.-20. November 2020

Plattform: Live-Meeting per ZOOM

Universalsprachen, Kunstsprachen, Plansprachen: Träume und Utopien von einer Welt ohne...


Online: Marij van Strien (University of Wuppertal) | The challenge of quantum mechanics to the limits of science and the Vienna Circle's response

Institute Vienna Circle and the Unit for Applied Philosophy of Science and Epistemology APSE together with the "Physics meets Philosophy in Vienna"...


Online: Sean Winkler | "Quantum and Materialist Dialectics: Dynamic and Statistical Regularity in Hessenian Marxism"

The talk will be about Boris Hessen's understanding of a 'unity in opposition' between dynamic and statistical conceptions of natural law in the...


Online: Mariangela Cocchiaro | Diskussion zum Vortrag im Rahmen des online Logik Café on ZOOM

Mo., 22. Juni, 17:15-18:00 Uhr, Mariangela Cocchiaro: "The significance of Aumann's agreement theorem for the epistemology of peer disagreement"



Online: Jonas Becker-Arenhart | Diskussion zum Vortrag im Rahmen des online Logik Café on ZOOM

Mo., 15. Juni, 17:15-18:00 Uhr, Jonas Becker-Arenhart: "Logical generalism in a naturalist setting"

Der Vortrag ist vorher downloadbar unter:...